Olha essa dica imperdível que vamos te dar! No Instagram do Guia Michelin, o guia mais famoso de restaurantes (e chefs) do mundo, está rolando receitas deliciosas de chefs internacionais condecorados com estrelas Michelin.

Muitos sabem que conseguir comer um prato com estrela Michelin pode não ser muito fácil e nem muito barato. A maioria dos restaurantes com estrelas costumam ser caríssimos e ainda assim vivem lotados com lista de espera de meses.

Então que tal aproveitar a oportunidade e reproduzir receitas premiadas em casa nessa quarentena?

Alex Atala famoso chef brasileiro que toca o restaurante estrelado D.O.M em São Paulo, já deu a sua receita: um fettuccine de palmito à carbonara

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#MICHELINGUIDEATHOME presents homemade recipes, straight from your favorite chefs to your kitchen. Today’s recipe is an unexpected twist on carbonara by D.O.M chef @alexatala, at the helm of the two-star establishment from the MICHELIN Guide São Paulo 2019. He is part of a spearhead leading the so-called “new Brazilian cuisine”, championing ingredients long overlooked by or unknown to other chefs. He offers a journey through the flavors, texture, and produce of Brazil. His passion and technique in shines through in his innovative and creative fare, and celebration for all Brazilian cuisine. Measurement equivalents: 100g = 3.5 ounces 160g = 2.6 ounces 200ml = 6.7 fl oz Illustrations by @alice.vdw Share your version with us! 👉 Tag @michelinguide and use #MICHELINGUIDEATHOME

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Você pode fazer também o Shakshuka um prato típico do Oriente Médio

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#MICHELINGUIDEATHOME presents homemade recipes, straight from your favorite chefs to your kitchen. *update: for the black olives, read 50g* Today’s recipe is for shakshuka, by chef Julia Komp from restaurant Schloss Loersfeld, one MICHELIN Plate in the MICHELIN Guide Germany 2020. “Shakshuka is a popular Middle Eastern and North African dish. You’ll find it in Libya and Tunisia, and it’s become a staple dish in Israel. If you’ve ever had Italian “eggs in purgatory” or Turkish menemen, the dishes are all quite similar. You can’t go wrong serving shakshuka for breakfast or brunch. It’s also great for lunch and dinner. Shakshuka is a simple one-pan meal that makes a statement.” Thanks for the recipe @juliakompcuisine! Measurement equivalents: 100g=3.5 ounces 50g = 1.7 ounces 400g= 14.1 ounces Illustrations by @alice.vdw Share your version with us! 👉 Tag @michelinguide and use #MICHELINGUIDEATHOME

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E que tal uma deliciosa Guaca Mole mexicana?

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#MICHELINGUIDEATHOME presents homemade recipes, straight from your favorite chefs to your kitchen. If you’re looking to refresh your palate with some bright, vibrant flavors, today’s twist on a sun-kissed Mexican classic is going to be just the ticket. Justin Bazdarich, Chef at @_oxomoco_ a Brooklyn-based, one-star establishment in the MICHELIN Guide New York 2020 — shares his recipe for guacamole and cherry tomato salsa. A tasty dish you’ll be coming back to all weekend long! Measurement equivalents: 1/2 cup = 125g 1/4 cup = 60g Thanks for the recipe @bazdarich! Illustrations by @alice.vdw Share your version with us 👉 Tag @michelinguide and use #MICHELINGUIDEATHOME

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O melhor de tudo é que não são apenas salgados, tem DOOOOOOCE também #mesegura

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#MICHELINGUIDEATHOME presents homemade recipes, straight from your favorite chefs to your kitchen. Test your baking mettle with a real French classic. François Perret, celebrated Pastry Chef of La Table de l’Espadon at @ritzparis, a two-star establishment in the MICHELIN Guide France 2020, offers up his recipe for a beloved paragon of French cuisine, the chocolate soufflé! You’ll be delighted by the deceptively simple preparation for this light yet luxuriant dessert. Measurement equivalents: 140g = 5 ounces 7g = 0.2 ounces 40g = 1.4 ounces 150g = 5.3 ounces 110g = 3.9 ounces 10g = 0.3 ounces 180°C = 350°F Thanks for the recipe @francoisperretpatisserie! Illustrations by @alice.vdw. Share your version with us 👉 Tag @michelinguide and use #MICHELINGUIDEATHOME

Uma publicação compartilhada por MICHELIN guide (official) (@michelinguide) em

A dica é ficar de olho no Instagram do Guia Michelin e escolher a sua receita. O único problema é que as receitas estão em inglês e nas imagens, ou seja, não dá para traduzir pelo Instagram =/

Imagem destaque de Matej Madar por Pixabay

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